Monday, 23 March 2015


We started the day of training on investigative internet journalism by introducing ourselves then we got a short history on the this training as it is the second time to be trained in Mbeya Region  supervised by MISATAN.
Then the trainer explained to as what is Investigative Internet Journalism all about and how it is done through internet like in social networks as  facebook , Instargram and Jamii forum. The session was a coorperative one since we all participated to show experience how we use internet at our working places but also at our private hours.
What I liked most in today’s training is the way we all coorperated  in sharing experiences and challenges, but I also liked how the trainer used the reffering tools to gather more information so as we can save time to go through them even after the training.
Thanks to the trainer and my fellow trainees I didn’t come across something to dislike today, I just home the other remaining days will be as cool as today.
So far on today’s training I learned a lot I didn’t know like the fact that facebook can also be the source of investigative news depanding on what kind of peoples you are friends with. I also learned the various blogs and website where I can learn more on investigative internet journalism, not forgetting what kind of stories can be investigated eg. Polital ncorruption, crimes etc.

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